Homeschooling with chronic pain sucks. There....I said it! Homeschooling with chronic pain and a fullish time work from home job sucks more. Homeschooling with chronic pain, a full-timish job and other health issues and no household help sucks the biggest!
But here I am...and I pulled off another week....somehow.
Got the biggest boy to his class both nights....
Got the girlie to her drama group
Got the little guys to their soccer games
Was able to put in 2 or 3 walks for myself w/ df.
Picked up birthday present and got everyone to nephews surprise birthday party.
Took little guys for their prize at Toys R Us ( they finished their light units and deserved a prize)
Took everyone to the library and let them find some books
Got the food shopping done and dinner on the table almost ball week...with the exception of the night we had a frozen lasagna donated by our good friend who bought too many for a party he was throwing.
Caught up on the laundy....there are a few dishes here and there...but no great towers to speak of
Got the hairy dogs groomed.
Paid all the bills that were due
Made appointments for dentist...and took Big boy in to see the dentist
Made appointment for little girl to see the orthodontist
Spoke with a million clients....vendors...etc. To keep things moving in the field..AND did some collections work...successful collections work...YAY!
Oh....that's right...we are talking about school......
Little Girl:
She is still struggling with math. It is one subject that makes her brain hurt! We did manage to work through 3 full CLE lessons. I want her to finish up the 600 series before Christmas. We are also working through Life of Fred pre-algebra and she did a few sections in there and is now up to the first bridge. We will see if any of it sunk in.
She is moving along beautifully through CLE reading 8 and LA 700. She is doing 2 light unit tests today...and the Reading coming in a week early.
She also read Mara, Daughter of the Nile and began Hittite Warrior. She loves the Egyptian period in history! I need to pull out our SOTW AG and get some crafts out of there that she was too little to do last go round. She did end up writing a 5 page expository paper on the 3 Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt. Her LU in LA was on expository she used that as a guide.
Cubby: Getting him to focus on his school work is a challenge. He wants to....BUT.....oooh cows!
Anyway, this week he did get some book work much? I have to check. He did work on his light units, and he has been reading Beverly Cleary this week. He just plowed through 3 or 4 Henry books and a couple of Ramona ones too. I just gave him a Clyde Robert Bulla book and he was glued into that one for a while. He is coming along in math....learning his times tables. Memorizing facts has not been easy, and I have not been very consistent with drills and flashcards or skip counting etc. We do them sometimes, but not daily, like we should. I do allow him a multiplication chart and if he needs it, he can use it. he uses it. Hopefully, at some point it will become easier to remember than look itnup all the time.
Hammy: finished the 2 nd grade CLE Reading....I did not use the workbooks with him because it is just too much writing. I used the TM and write out the vocabulary on the white board. I then went over the story questions with him orally....and that seemed to work very well for him. He is getting the meat of the program without having to battle his aching hand.
The boys are beginning week 4 in HOD Preparing Hearts. I think I hate the format. It is not a smooth transition from subject to subject. This weekend, I am going to put thebassignments into a regular schedule sheet and see how it goes that way. My kids also hate doing a tiny bit of a project day by day....we all hate taking everything out for 10 minute part of an art project and then putting it all back, only to be taken out the next day, so I have started doing the whole projects on Friday. That is working much better for us. My kids don't want to paint a background...put away....paint a rainbow.....put away.....paint a giraffe....put away.....they just want to paint! Sorry...too much putting away for our
I do like their narration prompts and having the boys work on a summary together and then writing it down in their notebooks. I think it makes for good paragraph practice.
I do like the books that were chosen. We are finishing up Life in the Great Ice Age this week and One Small Square Arctic Tundra. We did not do all the science note booking. I got lazy on this one....oy. We just did the narrations orally. I will work in the written part over the year. My boys are still getting used to a much more handwriting heavy school schedule. I don't want to break them or anything:-)
We also didn't memorize all of psalm 1....only the first 2 verses. I plan on putting the cd on in their room at night and letting them listen to it while they fall asleep.
We are reading the Golden Goblet to coincide with our Egypt studies. We finished 11 chapters.
We are working through Latina Christiana 1 and we worked on Lesson 3 this week. We will probably work on it Monday and Tuesday next week as well and then go on to Lesson 4.
We did some cool cave paintings....they came out awesome.
Well, gotta be off....finish up Friday...
Friday, September 30, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Week in Review 9/23/11
This is my first WIR in a long time. It is our 3 rd week back after a long and fun summer. We usually do some fun schooly stuff over the summer, but this year we mostly played. We did take some cool vacations and field trips to the beach, aquariums, historic sites like Kitty Hawk and the Wright Bros. Museum. We did have a great summer and now we are settling back in to our homeschool routine using some oldies but goodies, and some new stuff too.
Elvis is now apprenticing with his dad learning HVAC and plumbing. He is already epa certified and passed his exams last summer. He is now taking a night class at a local Technical School on heat pumps and split system air conditioning. He loves working with his dad. He is also studying world history this year using Spielvogel's Western Civilization and living books. This week he is studying Egypt. He is reading Pharoah by Eloise Jarvis McGraw.
In addition, he is using ABeka's English Literature as a spine and reading many of the books which are excerpted in that book. This week he worked on Poetry.
We will be doing a half credit Art History course that he needs to fulfill his graduation requirements. We will be using Sister Wendy's Story of Painting, some of the Sister Wendy videos, reading artist biographies and studying works of art as we studybthrough our history text. I plan to start this course in October when his night class ends.
Dr. Kazam is using Sonlight Core W, CLE Reading, Math and Language Arts, Latina Christiana 1 & 2, God and the History of Art and Apologia General Science.
This week she read most of Mara, Daughter of the Nile, we are reading aloud The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, and she is getting used to her new schedule. She finished up some sections in her CLE light units. We are a bit behind in Math, and we will need to work our butts off to bring her up to speed and ready to start Algebra next fall.
Dr. also started taking an acting class at a prestigious group near our home. She loves it. She is making new friends and having so much fun with the practice exercises and assignments she brings home. She will also be in a play in the spring. I am not sure which one as they just did auditions on Saturday and this school does 6 different plays....we are hoping with our fingers crossed that she gets into Winnie the Pooh.
Cubby and Hammy are working together this year (2nd and 4th grades). Using Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts for his Glory. I am learning how to use a teacher manual and how to follow what someone else is telling me to do with the kids. I think I am enjoying this so far!
This week we finished reading about Noah and the flood. we used a beautifully illustrated book about The Flood requiired by HOD. It came with a cd with the, I read them the pages for the lesson, but they love listening to the cd and looking at the pictures over and over! We finished reading The Hobbit this week too! This was such a fun read. We were sorry when it ended.
We are reading Life in the Great Ice Age. We studied some cave paintings and cave art. We also studied ancient weapons and how arrow heads were made. We also prepared paper to make our own cave paintings. We will do these on Saturday.
We are reading One Small Square:Arctic Tundra. The boys are really enjoying this book. We paid special attention this week to arctic animals especially fox, hares and geese.
This year our poetry focus is on Robert Lewis Stevenson. We have covered 3 poems so far: The Swing, Bed in Summer and Rain. They memorized Rain.
The boys are also working on memorizing Psalm 1. They have the 1st 2 verses down.
They both are working on the CLE light units for Math, Language Arts and Reading. they completed 3 lessons in each book this week. Next week we will shoot for four. If we can complete 4 per week, I will feel that we have accomplished our goals. I love CLE. It is thorough, challenging, reviews plenty, and my kids like it well enough not to complain too much.
Both boys are playing soccer this season, so I guess I went from swim mom to soccer mom.
Today we took the day to clean...clean...clean. We packed up our summer gear and pulled out our sweat shirts and long pants. The kids read on their own, but I needed a home ec. Day.
I am going to try to get some schooling done with Dr. Kazam and Cubby tomorrow. They both need to do some extra math in order to catch up on grade level.
Elvis is now apprenticing with his dad learning HVAC and plumbing. He is already epa certified and passed his exams last summer. He is now taking a night class at a local Technical School on heat pumps and split system air conditioning. He loves working with his dad. He is also studying world history this year using Spielvogel's Western Civilization and living books. This week he is studying Egypt. He is reading Pharoah by Eloise Jarvis McGraw.
In addition, he is using ABeka's English Literature as a spine and reading many of the books which are excerpted in that book. This week he worked on Poetry.
We will be doing a half credit Art History course that he needs to fulfill his graduation requirements. We will be using Sister Wendy's Story of Painting, some of the Sister Wendy videos, reading artist biographies and studying works of art as we studybthrough our history text. I plan to start this course in October when his night class ends.
Dr. Kazam is using Sonlight Core W, CLE Reading, Math and Language Arts, Latina Christiana 1 & 2, God and the History of Art and Apologia General Science.
This week she read most of Mara, Daughter of the Nile, we are reading aloud The Golden Goblet by Eloise Jarvis McGraw, and she is getting used to her new schedule. She finished up some sections in her CLE light units. We are a bit behind in Math, and we will need to work our butts off to bring her up to speed and ready to start Algebra next fall.
Dr. also started taking an acting class at a prestigious group near our home. She loves it. She is making new friends and having so much fun with the practice exercises and assignments she brings home. She will also be in a play in the spring. I am not sure which one as they just did auditions on Saturday and this school does 6 different plays....we are hoping with our fingers crossed that she gets into Winnie the Pooh.
Cubby and Hammy are working together this year (2nd and 4th grades). Using Heart of Dakota's Preparing Hearts for his Glory. I am learning how to use a teacher manual and how to follow what someone else is telling me to do with the kids. I think I am enjoying this so far!
This week we finished reading about Noah and the flood. we used a beautifully illustrated book about The Flood requiired by HOD. It came with a cd with the, I read them the pages for the lesson, but they love listening to the cd and looking at the pictures over and over! We finished reading The Hobbit this week too! This was such a fun read. We were sorry when it ended.
We are reading Life in the Great Ice Age. We studied some cave paintings and cave art. We also studied ancient weapons and how arrow heads were made. We also prepared paper to make our own cave paintings. We will do these on Saturday.
We are reading One Small Square:Arctic Tundra. The boys are really enjoying this book. We paid special attention this week to arctic animals especially fox, hares and geese.
This year our poetry focus is on Robert Lewis Stevenson. We have covered 3 poems so far: The Swing, Bed in Summer and Rain. They memorized Rain.
The boys are also working on memorizing Psalm 1. They have the 1st 2 verses down.
They both are working on the CLE light units for Math, Language Arts and Reading. they completed 3 lessons in each book this week. Next week we will shoot for four. If we can complete 4 per week, I will feel that we have accomplished our goals. I love CLE. It is thorough, challenging, reviews plenty, and my kids like it well enough not to complain too much.
Both boys are playing soccer this season, so I guess I went from swim mom to soccer mom.
Today we took the day to clean...clean...clean. We packed up our summer gear and pulled out our sweat shirts and long pants. The kids read on their own, but I needed a home ec. Day.
I am going to try to get some schooling done with Dr. Kazam and Cubby tomorrow. They both need to do some extra math in order to catch up on grade level.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This is my 3 rd time reading The Golden Goblet to my kids....I love this book for our Ancient Egypt studies.
View all my reviews
Monday, September 19, 2011
Winthrop Woman

Anya Seton can tell the story, teach the history, and leave you wanting more...and more. Love!
View all my reviews
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