Sunday, November 4, 2007

My First Blog Post: Which is Sure to be BORING!

I have been threatening my family and friends with writing a book about their antics for years...and now because of blogging, I can do even better than that. I will not have to rely on warm fuzzy memories. I can now record their craziness as it occurs.
In case you are wondering, the name of this blog is an actual quote...mine to be exact...which was exclaimed in a high pitched voice when my oldest daughter was 3 and was in fact our only child, so she couldn't lay the blame elsewhere. We have had many such "cheerios in my sneakers" moments since those long ago days and I am sure my two youngest hooligans will be adding to the list daily, (if not hourly.)

OK...Down to business...the reason I am starting this blog is basically because I have very little free time, and the free time I do have, I usually spend reading the message board on the Well Trained Mind site and following the links to all of your blogs. I enjoy drooling over your beautiful school rooms and schedules. I love reading your weekly reports and wondering how you all got it done. I am in awe of your accomplishments and endurance in the face of adversity. In fact, I am a great fan of you all and I would love to take part in this great conversation.

So, here I am with an empty kids are off at a swim meet (where <<>> my 13 y/o ds just swam 100 yd f/s in 58 seconds! YAY Elvis! ) my 2 little guys are actually playing and not trying to kill one another, and Dh is in his room watching old Frank Zappa concerts on DVD. I haven't sat on the couch this long since we bought it.

I guess it is protocol towrite a bit about how many years we have homeschooled, what curricula we have used, what books we are reading and all that other fun stuff I love to peruse on all the other blogs I read, but I think I will save all that for another day. I am going to sign off here and begin to build this blog one day at a time. I am really looking forward to haveing loads of fun with this.
Byes for now