Saturday, December 17, 2011

Carl's Quest: To Beat Lyme Disease

I am serious about not being able to get ANYONE to treat ds further inside what insurance will allow. All other doctors are NOT covered, and unfortunately...who knows then who you are getting. It is like the insurance company is sending us back to charlatans.
Thank God my ds is getting better.....through vitamin and nutritional therapies I kind of designed myself through research. He was diagnosed 5 years after his first exposure. He spent 6 months in bed...not able to stay awake longer than 15 minutes at a pop. His doctor thought he was "depressed". I was livid! Depression does not make you run fever every day, it does not give you brochitis and pnemonia repeatedly, it does not make your elbows swell......I insisted on a Lyme test, which came back falsely negative.......then he got infected AGAIN!!!! He must be a tick magnet. He finally had a tell tale bullseye in his armpit. jerk doctor said he had chafing because he wasn't washing.
I asked him to humor me....and run a western blot. I had just read about came back with a romping active Lyme and the evidence of long term Lyme.
He gave him the Doxy for 21 days...I insisted on 28... Then on the zithromax.

I took him to the head of infectious diseases in Kingston....he said he was adequately treated ( that is the phrase they use to tell you it is all on your head and they are not treating you any further.). He gave him a long talk about aids....and sent him on his way.

Then I took him up to the head of pediatric infectious diseases at Albany med. After a 2 hour consultation...which happened the day of my mother's funeral.....she recited basically the same seems like the doctors have been handed a script and damn well better recite it well.

Anyway.....that was a year ago. Since then he has had good days and bad days. He is having more good days ...these days. As I continue on my research, I am looking for alternatives to anti biotics, mostly because he thought he was going to die the whole time he was on them. He ended up with systemic yeast....and the fun that goes with that. He has outright refused to go the IV route....if I could find a doctor to do that for him.

You would think that with the number of Lyme patients in this area SOMEONE would be willing to treat...or research their heinie off, if for no other reason than financial gain.....but, as we know it seems the research is blocked off, the insurance companies are in
Cahoots with the research labs...and in the meantime...Lyme has become endemic.

I am incredibly frustrated.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had it but had a good doc that tested and treated it and I was lucky it went away! I have met so many people in my area since then that have had it or is still suffering with it. I was talking to a relative who is a doc (and was in med school at the time) and she told me that there was zero cases of Lyme disease in our state and was taught that it was not here and a postive test was wrong and no one has it. I have no idea why they are teaching docs this is med school, but that is the reason why it is hard to get treatment. I have no idea what is behind all of this, but you are not alone in your struggles. I have heard horrible stories! I am so thankful that I was healed!