Friday, April 1, 2011

Week in Review 3/28- 4/1/11

Well,  the barfing is over!!!  HOORAY!!!  We had a pretty decent week of school, especially since we were pretty whiplashed from the week.  That,  and my df is having some serious health problems and she was in the hospital all week.  I am hoping the doctors finally have a diagnosis (Lyme disease...UGH!) and she is on the mend. 

On Tuesday,  Hammy had a dentist cavities,  but probably orthodontic work...we shall see. We also had our first library trip in ages.  The kids were so good,  we even got in a good grocery shopping.

The room we are putting our schoolroom into has been emptied,  but while we are renovated the little boys bedroom,  they are sleeping in the schoolroom.  I can not wait to move in there!!!!  We have been schooling in the livingroom and kitchen for 10 years...and I can not stand the mess anymore.  It is driving me nuts!!! I am hoping to paint this weekend and have the boys out of there and upstairs within 2 wweks.  Please pray this job gets done QUICK!

So..on for our Academic week

Our Bible Theme:  Gabriel Announces to Mary she will have a Baby:

I am using Veritas Press Gospels with Christian Liberty Press Book F (I think...It is the one on the Gospels...LOL)

I tied this weeks Art/ Picture study into our Bible stories...we studied Fra Angelico's "The Annunciation."
Notice the martyred monk in the backround.
In History,  we studied the building of the Suez Canal.  We all found it very interesting....We also studied the geography connected with this section of SOTW with the AG.
The kids all made progress in their Light Units in Math, LA and Reading. 
Hammy began Singapore Math's Challenging Word Problems 1.  He likes word problems,  but these are ot too challenging...yet.

And Tallulah has begun Life of Fred Decimals and Percents in addition to her regular Light Units.  We LOVE Fred!!!!
We also began a daily walk.  I think this is really helpful for wiggly boys and tired crabby Mammas.  Tallulah also walks the neighbors dog,  who is looking quite chubby these,  it is good for them too.  I try to take them out before lessons...sort of walking to school.  I am hoping dh will take over this walk so I can get school set while they are out...hint...hint.  It would also be so good for him and bringing his diabetes into control.  We shall see....but in the meantime,  I use the walk to enjoy their conversation...and drill them on their math facts, spelling words, history facts for the week, Bible verses etc.  i need to make sure to bring my memory lists with me.  They think it is fun to drill this way....I like stealth teaching!  This time has also lead to some great nature study.  As we live in a very wooded area,  there is always something interesting to see.  Today we saw a TURKEY BUZZARD!  That thing was almost as big as Hammy...AND he was not budging from the middle of the road.  he was eating a dead squirrel...and was truly enjoying his meal.  We decided to turn back home rather than interrupt his feast....LOL

So,  to go plan next week!



MissMOE said...

We love Fred also. A daily walk sounds like a great idea--now that the weather has warmed up we should do that. Thanks for sharing your week.

Karen said...

What a lovely start to your day! Unfortunately, I have to start my day in the car getting dd16 to school...though dd11 and I share a cup of hot whatever at the kitchen table before we start school.