I am jumping into this one mid-year.
This has been a busy week...We started off with all good intentions and then the illness struck. 3 kids with bronchitis...UGH!!!
The oldest still being hs'ed (Elvis 15) was down for the count. Fever since Tuesday. So much for catching up on some overdue assignments...and now another week lost. Seems Elvis is having a tough time dodging germs this year. He did manage to write a sloppy copy of a 5 paragraph expository essay on Stoicism. He also read a bit this week...but a terrible headache and fever kept his focus low...that and he must have slept 20 out of each 24 hours. Poor Boy!
Somehow the 3 younger kids managed to get a good chunk of the work accomplished, finishing up strong...even though not feeling well.

We are finishing up Wisdom and The Millers tonight. We really enjoyed this very gentle, sweet study on the book of Proverbs and being flies on the wall at the Miller family's devotions. Our family is a far cry from the Millers, but we did enjoy a glimpse into their life.
We finished a few chapters of Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder and we were all amused at the description of all the food Almanzo eats. We are comparing his childhood to that of Laura's. How different they were! Laura must have taken so much pleasure in writing this book. Almanzo must have likewise been intrigued by Laura's pioneer background. Hammy just likes the idea of learning how to drive the oxen!
This week Daddy has been playing rounds and rounds of Mad Libs on his new ipod touch with Dr. Kazam, Cubby and Hammy. Cubby has a bit of trouble remembering which part of speech is which. Once the definition of "noun" is in his mind, "adjective" goes flying out...sigh.
Dr. Kazam finally finished her light unit in math and took the test...and PASSED!!!! Woohoo!!!! Now we are cooking!
This weekend is daddy's birthday...so all got busy making decorations and the bake-off began. I think we have watched too many shows on the Food Channel! I have some budding Iron Chefs and they mean business! The cakes were impressive! We had to call a tie as to who won. Dr. Kazam's cakes were very original, tasted great and were thoroughly enjoyed but the cake was from a mix. BIL EE-yah's pineapple upside down cake was made from scratch and he was definitely more daring to try such an involved process. it tasted really yummy too.

Dr. Kazam promises she will get you next time EEYAH!!!!
Next week will only be a 3 day-er as Ding is getting ready to go off to College. She was accepted to her first choice school, into the nutrition science program. She also received almost a full scholarship....We are so proud of her. She graduated from Community College in December with a 3.9 GPA! Never received a single grade under an A-!!!!! WOW!!!!!
This week will be busy getting her all ready and settled into Dorm Life. She is ready to be independent. I am praying she gets a decent roommate. We have a million things to accomplish before Friday, so the younger kiddoes can concentrate on getting healthy.
Due to illness, the kids missed their swim meet, missed karate, missed swim practices etc. I am hoping they feel well enough this week to get in a few workouts and are able to swim in the meets next weekend. It will be good to get back to "normal" LOL...whatever that is......
In spite of the illness your family sounds so fun!
Thanks for sharing!
I hope Elvis feels better.
EE-yah's pineapple upside down cake looks yu-um-my! It's always good to have some iron chefs who are not the momma.:-)
Congrats to Ding!
Sounds like a great week.
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