Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day #10. Knick-knack Paddy-whack throw away the crap.....

Beware of overfurnished, overdecorated living spaces.  Create feelings of comfort and serenity by living with less.  Today, let go of at least ten knickknacks.  There are three categories of knickknacks---meaningful, semimeaningful, and meaningless.  Look for ones you have outgrown.  If you can't part with ten, or any at all, put several in a cardboard box and store them out of sight, in an Ambivalence Center.  Experience your home with few visual distractions. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 64)

OR for serious simplifiers only...

Abide by this rule: When something new comes into your home, let go of something old.  Everything has a life cycle.  Embrace change. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 68)

Today's challenge is to get rid of it! Now, if it was me and only me in this house, there would be no Knick knacks! Where would I put all the rest of the books I want to buy if I had more tchatchkes as my mom called them? Now mom, she loved her stuff. Her apartment overfloweth...and can you believe when she passed away, I packed it all very carefully into boxes and stored it in our shed to be gone through by my brother and his wife, my daughters and sons when they have their own homes. I actually have her china closet here in my living room....and it is gorgeous...but is is mostly empty. I don' like too many things because with little kids in the house, they either get broken, and I get upset...or the ones I really couldn't care less for live on until I have to peel the dust off of them. I am sure however, that finding 10 dinky things to get out of here won't be too much trouble :-). Hmmmmm.....where to begin....and when do we get to toss all the odd cups and dishes...and Tupperware containers without lids and lids without containers? Now that will be a progress filled day!

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