Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 11. Minimalism

Oh, how I wish I was allowed to be a minimalist! My family has so much CRAP!!! When you live in a house as small as ours with as many people, who are now turning into full sized people, it is hard to turn around without your behind knocking something over!

So, since we are now creating my schoolroom, I am going to plan to keep it simple...not overloaded with stuff or even closets unless I can get nice even, smooth lines. The clutter and mess around me, makes my mind cluttered and feel confused and messy. I think the same might be said of my students. We like things very simplistic. Even our curricula...not too many worksheets or extraneous nonsense.

So, today's challenge:

The day #11 challenge is:

Today, create a minimalist environment in one room.  In that room, remove the wall art.  (You might put it under your bed temporarily.)  Next, remove everything except the lamps from tabletops, dressers, and counters.  Most people live in rooms that are overfurnished and overstimulating.  In these spaces, we are distracted from the present moment by too many objects from the past.  This task will enable you to experience one extremely simplified room. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 69)

OR for serious simplifiers only---

Create a minimalist environment in every room of your house.  What more can we say?
(30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 73)

I don't think I would be permitted to do every room in the house. They would run me out of town! But, ummmmmmm....maybe modified

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