Spend at least an hour reviewing your wardrobe. Create a wardrobe without "strays" --- items that don't go with anything else. Identify your strays and hang them at one end of the closet. Plan to buy something to go with them or give them away. (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 38)
OR for serious simplifiers only...
"Freeze your wardrobe", says Allison, an artist living in Boston. At first, we thought she was suggesting we put our clothes in cold storage. A shuddering thought! But she meant, "Don't buy any new clothes for a specified time period---freeze your wardrobe in its current state (and continue to cull out the clothes you rarely wear). When you feel compelled to buy something new, write it down on a list." (30 Days to a Simpler Life, p. 44)
Seriously? Well this is a no brainer because...well, I am so simplified, I barely have a wardrobe to speak of. I have 4 pairs of jeans, 3 pairs of dress pants, (brown, black & burgundy), 2 dress tops, 2 little black dresses, one dress jacket, 8 short sleeved v-neck t-shirts, 4 long sleeve v-necked t-shirts, and 3 or 4 nice tops from Kohls to wear to Dr. appointments or if I need to be seen in public. That is all. I have sufficient underwear and socks that I get rid of and replace as necessary.
Now, what I really need to cull is my book shelves! THOSE are full to overflowing...and in every room, and closet in the house. That is where I really have a hard time culling. I love my books! Last year I purged a full overflowing car load... You would never know it!
Anyway, I think I am going to simplify my dishes today...instead of clothes....
So, sseeing as I have no wardrobe to speak of, I decided to attack something that is a terror to all Mom's of large families. Can you guess what it is????
That's right. You guessed it! The sock basket!!!! Oh boy! So, I attacked with vengeance.
TAH DAH!!!!!...
All done & put away......
I also tackled my pots and pand closet.....I think it looks nice...I really pared down, got rid of lids that didn't match and pots without lids....It made cooking dinner tonight so easy. I could find my casserole dishes without an avalance!
1 comment:
You're a rock star that you're already so simplified clothing wise! I kept all my work clothes from when I was corporate so considering I've been home with the kids 6 years now, it may be time for me to part with those. So how many books are you going to give away? ;-)
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